I was one of those guys that thought that I was
cooler then most. I use to make fun of my wife Michele and her friend Deana for
waking up at 5 in the morning to do a workout that never took more then 20
minutes. Michele and Deana would always come home saying how hard it was! “Global
gym Larry” would workout “HARD” on his home elliptical machine at least 3 times
a week (Maintaining 60 rpm). I was convinced to come in to an open gym, to
hopefully stop the steady teasing. I left the gym gassed, sore and out of
breath. After my intro, there was no more comments about short workouts, which
lead me to the first benefit that I got from a box. A better marriage due to a
happier wife! The cost of that box kept me from joining a CrossFit box. A new
box opened with lower monthly fees and so I decided to join. Second benefit
that I got was …the whole family working out together, even my teenage boys. I
had high cholesterol and weight issues for years despite regularly working out
global gym style. The doctor wanted me on cholesterol medication immediately. I
convinced the doctor to give me 2 months for one last chance to lower my cholesterol
with diet and exercise. Here are the before and after
Before CrossFit:
Weight: 220
Cholesterol: 280 Triglycerides: 140
After 3 months:
Weight: 185
Cholesterol: 118 Triglycerides: 47
I saw some changes from just doing CrossFit, but
the drastic change came after implementing the Paleo diet along with CrossFit
3-4 days a week during a Natural Selection CrossFit body fat challenge. Third
and best benefit that I got from doing CrossFit is that I will live longer,
feel better and be healthier.
I used to relish an active lifestyle, but somewhere along the way I had allowed it to become stagnant. The backpacking, kayaking, skiing, and sports had become favorite memories and the surfing, scuba diving, and paddle boarding were relegated purely to dreams. I had accepted as just part of daily life the insomnia, constant back and knee pain, stiff joints, lack of energy, and weight gain. It took a deliberate effort to mow the lawn or climb a flight of stairs. My only routine form of exercise were the frequent short walks outside for another cigarette.
I have been the "big" girl my entire life. Literally, I was born big, was big in elementary school, and was over 200 pounds before I was 20. I was never an athlete, but so desperately wanted to be in shape. At my heaviest I weighed 270 lbs, which coincidentally is also the same I weighed at nine months pregnant. Finally, end of April, 2012, weighing in at 255 lbs I decided I was ready to change. There was nothing special about the day I decided to become a different person, but I started the journey with a slow "jog" around our development, and by the time I was done I knew things were going to change. I continued to jog a few times a week, and by the end of June I had lost about 20 lbs. I was feeling pretty proud of myself, but I knew that I needed more if I was really going to be successful this time. My good friend Dani had been talking, incessantly I might add, about "CrossFit," "Leo," and these things called "wods." While it all sounded scary, intimidating, and way more intense than I was capable of, I had seen the transformation in her and wanted to become the girl she was.
My CrossFit journey started the beginning of July, in 1,000 degree weather. I started with the intro class where Leo had me do the infamous "Tabata" squats. I was only able to complete 6 out of the 8 rounds, and I was convinced I was going to die. Walking for the next week was basically torture, but miraculously, not only did I survive, I was actually looking forward to going back. Six months, countless wods, 8 million burpees and immeasurable amounts of sweat later, here I am, not only 75 lbs lighter but also accomplishing things that I never even dreamed for myself.
CrossFit isn't a gym. It isn't a place where I work out. CrossFit is a way of life and the people at CrossFit are a part of my family forever. I look forward to every work out because I know I will leave the box as a stronger person. The coaches aren't just coaches. They are teachers, motivators, peers, shoulders to cry on, and friends. CrossFit has changed me in ways I never knew were possible. My body has transformed, but so has my mind and attitude. My family has been affected by CrossFit as well. Instead of going on dinner and movie dates, my husband and I now run races together. My sons watch me practice skills at home and they try to do them as well. They look forward to going to they gym with Mom because they get to do pull ups and squats in the kids room while watching Mom work out. My oldest son told me the other day that he wants to join CrossFit when he grows up. Who knew I would be setting an example of health for my sons? I know I never thought I would.
I can't begin to express how much CrossFit and the coaches at Natural Selection have played a part in helping me live my dream. I am working towards becoming the athlete I never thought I could be. My next big adventure is running my very first 1/2 half marathon and I am beyond excited for all the other adventures I have in my future. Thank you to everyone at Natural Selection CrossFit- the "big" girl is gone for good!
I used to relish an active lifestyle, but somewhere along the way I had allowed it to become stagnant. The backpacking, kayaking, skiing, and sports had become favorite memories and the surfing, scuba diving, and paddle boarding were relegated purely to dreams. I had accepted as just part of daily life the insomnia, constant back and knee pain, stiff joints, lack of energy, and weight gain. It took a deliberate effort to mow the lawn or climb a flight of stairs. My only routine form of exercise were the frequent short walks outside for another cigarette.
Nine months
later I have discovered it is possible to gain it all back. Crossfit has
provided more than just a workout routine, it has generated a lifestyle change.
And some of the benefits are the lasting energy and the enjoyment of sleeping
through the night. My joints have become loose and mobile, the back and knees
are pain free, my balance and coordination have improved, and I am regaining
lung capacity. I have dropped close to 70lbs and have moved from “obese” to
“optimal” on the body fat rankings. Mowing is now just a quick jaunt around the
Crossfit brings athletic training back to the basics of man, muscle, and
determination. There are no generic classes, trainers, or weight machines. The
exercises have the flexibility of being scaled to each individuals current
abilities. And with the continuously changing “workout of the day,” there is
always an opportunity to challenge yourself by kicking it up another notch or
learning a new movement. Fellow athletes, and coaches, provide continual
motivation and are energized by each other’s efforts and successes in addition
to their own. Although we joined the “box” with an array of reasons and goals,
we are all here because we love what we are accomplishing together.
Currently I
have only partially reached my overall health goals, but I now know for certain
it is only a matter of time, effort, and dedication until they become my
reality. Discovering Crossfit has truly been a blessing and the upcoming ski and
surf trips are just a couple of the long awaited perks. Welcome back to life!
I have been the "big" girl my entire life. Literally, I was born big, was big in elementary school, and was over 200 pounds before I was 20. I was never an athlete, but so desperately wanted to be in shape. At my heaviest I weighed 270 lbs, which coincidentally is also the same I weighed at nine months pregnant. Finally, end of April, 2012, weighing in at 255 lbs I decided I was ready to change. There was nothing special about the day I decided to become a different person, but I started the journey with a slow "jog" around our development, and by the time I was done I knew things were going to change. I continued to jog a few times a week, and by the end of June I had lost about 20 lbs. I was feeling pretty proud of myself, but I knew that I needed more if I was really going to be successful this time. My good friend Dani had been talking, incessantly I might add, about "CrossFit," "Leo," and these things called "wods." While it all sounded scary, intimidating, and way more intense than I was capable of, I had seen the transformation in her and wanted to become the girl she was.
My CrossFit journey started the beginning of July, in 1,000 degree weather. I started with the intro class where Leo had me do the infamous "Tabata" squats. I was only able to complete 6 out of the 8 rounds, and I was convinced I was going to die. Walking for the next week was basically torture, but miraculously, not only did I survive, I was actually looking forward to going back. Six months, countless wods, 8 million burpees and immeasurable amounts of sweat later, here I am, not only 75 lbs lighter but also accomplishing things that I never even dreamed for myself.
CrossFit isn't a gym. It isn't a place where I work out. CrossFit is a way of life and the people at CrossFit are a part of my family forever. I look forward to every work out because I know I will leave the box as a stronger person. The coaches aren't just coaches. They are teachers, motivators, peers, shoulders to cry on, and friends. CrossFit has changed me in ways I never knew were possible. My body has transformed, but so has my mind and attitude. My family has been affected by CrossFit as well. Instead of going on dinner and movie dates, my husband and I now run races together. My sons watch me practice skills at home and they try to do them as well. They look forward to going to they gym with Mom because they get to do pull ups and squats in the kids room while watching Mom work out. My oldest son told me the other day that he wants to join CrossFit when he grows up. Who knew I would be setting an example of health for my sons? I know I never thought I would.
I can't begin to express how much CrossFit and the coaches at Natural Selection have played a part in helping me live my dream. I am working towards becoming the athlete I never thought I could be. My next big adventure is running my very first 1/2 half marathon and I am beyond excited for all the other adventures I have in my future. Thank you to everyone at Natural Selection CrossFit- the "big" girl is gone for good!