For time:
As a 3-4 person team complete in any way/order:
600 Double Unders
500 Air Squats
400 Sit-Ups
300 Walking Lunges
200 Box Jumps 24/20
100 Push-Ups
Note: if you are a team of fire breathers do this WOD with 3 only people. If you are a team of two do half the reps. If you are a single person divide the reps by 3 and round to the nearest whole number use 3 if you are a fire breather. If you are not a fire breather divide the total reps by 4. Ex...
For a single person, who is a fire breather...
200 Double Unders
167 Air Squats
134 Sit-Ups
100 Walking Lunges
67 Box Jumps 24/20
34 Push-Ups
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